Happy New Year from Pebblestone!

Pebblestone tasting room in the snow

Celebrating 20 years ~ 2004 – 2024  Pebblestone is celebrating 20 years of operation this year from humble beginnings of selling three types (2 reds and 1 white) of wine off the back deck of our house. Over the last 20 years we have met hundreds of wine lovers both locally and from many states … Read more

Wine News 1.12.24

Pebblestone wine products

Winter Case Sale continues on Popular Wines We still have excess stock of some of our best and most popular wines and we decided to put them back on sale at an amazing 50% off retail case sale prices. 2019 Grenache Rose – Only a few cases remain of the 2019 vintage of our Grenache Rose … Read more

The holidays are upon us!

Harvest is over and the holiday season is upon us. What better place to come to do your Holiday shopping for gifts for friends and neighbors? We have a broad selection of wines ranging from Sparkly to dessert and from white to rose to red wines. We also have an extensive selection of library (older … Read more

Wine Club News

Wine Club Pickup Next Weekend Wine club members – the wine club release and pickup will begin next Friday, December 15th, so please be sure to contact us if your credit card needs updating. Check next week’s newsletter to see what the wine club selections are. Thank you for being members!

Experience the Early Winter Weather 

Pebblestone Tasting Barn - foggy morning

INSIDE! with Excellent Wine ~ Great Music ~ Tasty Pizza The cold weather and welcome rain brought by El Niño conditions have created a perfect holiday atmosphere at our tasting room. Come and experience it from inside our warm and cozy space while enjoying our amazing talent on both Friday night and Sunday afternoon. We … Read more

Season’s Greetings

Rainbow in the Vineyard

Our very best wishes to you all. We hope you will come visit us as we finish the Fall season and head toward winter. We have great wine, views, pizza, and great music to make your stop even better. Also, thanks again for all of your support over the years especially during last two or … Read more

El Niño Weather Arrives

Pebblestone Tasting Room - Climate controlled

Winter weather and El Niño conditions (wet and cold) are upon us as evidenced by storm clouds moving in for about 10 days of stormy conditions. All Music Events will be held in the comfort of our tasting room—decked out for the holidays. The cozy atmosphere, coupled with great service, wines and winter vistas add … Read more