Continuing to Beat the Heat!

More Great Pebblestone Wine and Live Music Again This Weekend!

The heat is moderating a little…whew! We’re expecting a little cooling next week but only to the high 80s. This season has been a record breaker to-date—so far, the hottest season since we started operations in 2003! We have had over 20 days here at Pebblestone where the temperature has been over 100 degrees. And the heat accumulation to date has been about 18% over the average accumulation over the same 20 years. 

Again, we are so fortunate to have had the amount rainfall last winter which gave us ample irrigation water for this season and the ability to keep the grapes at the right level of moisture balance. We can’t know exactly what weather is in front of us but it looks like the makings of an incredible year for grape quality. We are just seeing the first signs of verasion (color change) which means we are on the downward slope to harvest!

Due to the continued hot weather, we will likely hold the music events inside spacious tasting room which is AIR CONDITIONED to a comfortable 73 degrees. The tasting room can accommodate about 45 to 50 people inside, so it is always wise to call ahead for reservations to be sure of indoor seating for your group.

This weekend, we have scheduled two very talented local singer/songwriters, the great Jeff Kloetzel on Friday evening and a newly formed band: Twelve Bars Deep on Sunday afternoon. See the Event Calendar for more details.

With the continued hot weather, it is a great time to sample a bottle of one or more of our white or sparkling wines: Sparkling Pinot Gris, Sparkling Viognier, or Sparkling Rosé. they will be all chilled and available this weekend. And don’t miss the mixed case sale on all white wines while you are here!

We hope to see you in the tasting room with family and friends this weekend inside our spacious, AIR CONDITIONED tasting room.