Wine News 03.15.23

New Releases

We are releasing two new vintages for your tasting enjoyment and purchase this weekend

2018 Cabernet Sauvignon

The 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon is a beautiful version of Cabernet Sauvignon in the Bordeaux style with great aroma, varietal character, balance and finish. $28 per bottle. 

2020 Albarino

The 2020 Albarino was produced in a special concrete egg fermenter which offers unique features during fermentation to aid in preserving aroma, flavor and minerality in the wine. This wine is the perfect pairing partner with shellfish and spicy foods. $21 per bottle. 

Spring Wine Club Release

It is time for the Spring 2023 Wine Club release and we are excited to present the following wines to our wine club members for their enjoyment. These wines will be available beginning this Friday for pickup.

For Assorted and “Reds Only” Members:

2017 Cabernet Franc

Our next vintage of Cabernet Franc (2017) is unreleased but is being included in the Spring 2023 release to give Wine Club members a preview of great vintages of Cab Franc to come. $28 per bottle.

2018 Cabernet Sauvignon

The 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon is a perfect partner to include with the Cabernet Franc in the the wine club release this time. It is a beautiful version of Cabernet Sauvignon in the Bordeaux style with great aroma, varietal character, balance and finish. $28 per bottle.

For the “White Wine only” members:

2020 Albarino

We are releasing the 2020 Albarino this Friday and the wine club gets the first opportunity at a bottle for their enjoyment. The 2020 vintage was produced in a special concrete egg fermenter which offers unique features during fermentation to aid in preserving aroma, flavor and minerality in the wine. This wine is the perfect pairing partner with shellfish and spicy foods. $21 per bottle. 

2019 Grenache Rose

We have included a bottle of the popular in the “whites only” selection to showcase the complex qualities of a pale Rose style wine. This vintage has improved over the year since its release and is a very versatile wine that pairs with a wide range of foods from Salmon to spicy Asian or Indian dishes. $18 per bottle.

—Wine Club Discounts apply—