Vintage 2022 at Pebblestone is in the Tank

Preparing for harvest at Pebblestone Cellars
Preparing for harvest at Pebblestone Cellars

We harvested the last grapes for 2022 last Friday, just as we had planned, capping a growing season like none we have seen before. Beginning last April, the weather was relatively cool due to the influence of La Niña conditions in the Pacific. These cooler than normal conditions, plus unseasonably wet weather in May, delayed Budbreak by about two weeks. 

The cool conditions continued until the last week of June when the temperature rapidly warmed up and we experienced a very hot summer. We had a better water availability year in 2022 thanks to the rain in May and the water management of the Talent Irrigation District. However, by the end of the summer the ground water had dried up as had the reservoirs supplying TID. We began supplementing water from our storage tanks try to manage the stress level of the vines, however, it was a challenge. 

By harvest time, the heat accumulation from July to September had moved 2022 from one of the coolest years of heat accumulation to the third hottest in the last 20 years. We were able to harvest all varieties with Brix levels near ideal targets and are looking forward to a great vintage for 2022!

While the beautiful weather has allowed us to hold musical events outside on the deck and lawn of the tasting room, the very welcome, rainy, cool weather will likely make us have to move the music events inside the tasting room hall. Come out and enjoy the music, wine and views at Pebblestone from the comfort of the tasting room. Visit the Event Calendar for details.